Tuesday 30 March 2010

Its coming down hard

Weve had 47cm of new snow in the last 24hours and even more due! The flakes are so big its dropped an inch on our driveway in the last hour alone!

Sunday 28 March 2010

Road Trip

Myself and two friends are hopefully going to do a road trip throughout May. We thought it would be a great way to end the season and to get rid of the ol' goggle tan!
More details to follow but here is the route we plan to take (click the map to view in more detail) -

Saturday 27 March 2010

White men cant jump

A few weeks ago we had a spell of warm weather which melted most of the snow in the village so, we had a few games of street B-ball followed by a BBQ on our balcony.
Good times.

Catching up

These photos are from a friends leaving doo about a month ago which was followed by an 80's night. It all got pretty messy and at least 4 of us, including me, got thrown out of the club for being too drunk!


Went to the Paralympics super combined last week which was inspiring. These guys are heroes.

Tree Tops

I know this is a bit late but for those who havent seen, this is where im living...

Friday 26 March 2010

Jim Marshall RIP

Legendary rock photographer Jim Marshall, dead at 74.

So if you have some free time pull up a chair, make yourself comfortable, perhaps pour a whisky and raise a glass to the original rock n’ rolla himself.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Shadow boxing


Screwed my elbow up on Tuesday falling off a rail but weve had over 50cm of snow in two days so i just had to man up and go out today and yesterday. Friday was up there with one of the best powder days ive had here. We got up really early for first lift and made fresh lines on so much on and off piste - siiiiiiick!

Thursday 11 March 2010

If I was back in blighty

If I was back in the UK I would be going to this -

Just so you all know, I have a flight booked home on the 30th May, arriving on the 31st.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Helly Hansen

I have some friends who work for Helly Hansen and they put on a fashion show in their Whistler store one night over the Olympics and asked me to photograph it. They invited a few sponsored riders and other random important people id never heard of.
Here are a few quick snapshots...