Friday 23 April 2010

my friends, this is an end...

Big end of season house party at ours last night, wallop!
Cant believe its all coming to an end and how fast the time has gone.
Plenty of drinking games, "herbal" cakes and the like went down.
For some silly reason I was drinking lager mixed with cider and blue curacao - dirty. I drank so much I gave birth to a blue Avatar poo this morning!

Photos to follow (not of my poo obviously).

Sunday 18 April 2010

Leg update

A friend out here, who is physiotherapist back in the UK, checked my leg out and confirmed I have cartilage and ligament/tendon damage to my fibula.
I havent been able to snowboard for 2 weeks but im going to try again tomorrow. Im under strict orders to stay out of the park though!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

The real Hurt Locker

In war, truth is the first casualty.
Watch this video -

2nd Snowiest year in history!

Its official, this season has been Whistlers 2nd snowiest on record!
Over 14 meters or 47 feet of snow dropped and it aint over yet!

Saturday 10 April 2010

Its driving me Mad

This week I have watched the whole of Mad Men season three!
If my leg doesnt feel better soon im taking a trip to the hospital to get an x-ray.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Me leg

I threw myself off a pretty big jump in the park on Sunday (after making the cardinal sin of calling it was my last run of the day) and wasnt carrying enough speed and hit the knuckle hard. As a result, I have screwed my right leg up and havent been able to snowboard since and have a bit of a gangster limp going on!
Im getting cabin fever too and to make matters worse, we had another 15cm of snow last night and the sun is out today. Gutted.

Anyway, heres a few more photos ive taken of late -

Banksy's Exit Through The Gift Shop (Exclusive 5 min Extended Sneak Peek)

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Flight home

Just to let you know, my return flight has now been changed and I arrive back home on the 31st May.
Looking forward to seeing y'all then!


Easter bunnys

Is it me or does it look like they have two sanitary pad's stuck to their head!

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Banana on the run

I was on a ski lift the other day and when we lifted the bar to get off, it somehow managed to un-clip my board from one of my feet. We watched it race off down the mountain at an ever increasing/f*cking-fast speed, but it luckily avoided impaling itself into a small child or someone’s leg! As I watched my friends chase after it on skis it certainly got my heart rate going as I thought I could have a law suite on my hands! It traveled for miles before crashing into a ditch and luckily wasn’t damaged.

Over 80cm of snow in a week innit!