Monday 31 May 2010

San Diego – A whale’s vagina

Went on an aircraft carrier.

Sat in helicopters & fighter jets.

Ate some dodgy Mexican food and was very ill.

Watched an NBA playoff game virtually every night.

Had an amazing polar bear experience.

Went to a huge memorial weekend street party where they sectioned off about 5 blocks.

And now the road trip is over, sigh ;-(

Whens the next one!? hmmmmm

San Diego – A whale’s vagina

Massive Attack - Babel

Thursday 27 May 2010

Road Trip - LA LA land and San Diego

Met some really cool people in LA but its every bit as plastic and showy as I expected and its full of wannabe actors chasing the dream. But deep down arent we all chasing our own dream, or have you given up?!
Thats enough getting philosophical. I think its due to lack of sleep/food/water as a result of something dodgy I ate yesterday. I havent left the hostel (in San Diego) all day today due to sickness coming out of both ends. The poor mexican cleaner got a bit of shock earlier when she walked in to me on all fours throwing up into the bin & mainly missing!

Gutted I missed out on today’s activities as an aussie couple we met in yosemite are also staying here and they all went sea kayaking and saw dolphins and sharks.

Road Trip - LA LA land