Saturday 2 January 2010

See you in 10

We had a massive NYE house party and the place got trashed, all our cutlery got stolen, we had naked people boning in our hot tub and there was so much beer spilt on the carpet it started to drip through the ceiling of the floor below!
There must of been over 100 people in the house and it got a bit ugly around 2am when some aussie twat started throwing beer cans and bottles into the crowd busting shapes on the makeshift dance floor.
I didnt take any photos but will post some if I can get copies from someone else.


Happy New Year!

I hope your next year is full of happiness, good health, peace and love, with a sprinkling of prosperity.

The oyster is our world.

swallow it whole

don't chew it and DON'T spit it out

1 comment:

  1. Bickford! less apres-ski dude ;0)
    i wana see a fakie or a grab - get the lense in action xbea
