Thursday 20 May 2010

Road Trip - Yosemite - Day one

Yosemite was stunning.

We stayed in Curry Campsite, which has these oversize tents with raised wooden floors and camp beds. No slumming it for us townies! No, the really reason we didn’t do proper camping was because we were too cheapskate to buy a tent and sleeping bag for only 4 nights use!

We arrived in the evening and the first night was probably the coldest nights sleep (not much of it) I have ever had, even wearing 3 tops, shorts, woolly hat and socks! I think not having sleeping bags was a big mistake as they only provided us with 3 of these wank woollen blankets that were, to be honest, fucking useless.

The photos below are from the first full day hiking -

As there are shit loads of bears in the park we had a special bear proof locker outside where we had to keep anything with a scent.

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